Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's the End of the World As I Know It

After having my final exit interview for my Lighting for Photography class, I realize I am no photographer.  And after all this time, after all the classes, after all the years of practice, I realize I'm just not.  Even though many people do not realize it, I am 36 years old.  I can't start learning new tricks.  I thought I was a lot better than I turned out to be... And this is killing me.  I quit.  I am not a photographer.
*cries and cries*

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Building In the Japan Earthquake

Apparently, they have really good springs on all of their buildings!

(But I Wasn't Done!) My Speech on the Second Life Class and Some Imagery

Good Morning!

I’m a graduate of the Multimedia program here, and I’ve been back for about a year to get a few more classes I needed to help me transfer into the University of Oregon.

I work for Media Services here on campus, mainly working with video and web presence.  I was this close to being a videographer standing in the back of this conference, today!

My career goals include web design and 3D animation.  That is why I decided to take the CIS 125 Second Life course; to gain more insight into the 3D world, which I realized included scripting.

I enjoy learning everything I can about 3D design and scripting, and this class gave me and my peers the perfect opportunity to learn about these things in a fun environment.

How many of you are willing to admit that you are still a Trekkie? Raise your hands, come on, be brave.  Well, even if you can’t admit it, I know that you all know what a “Universal Translator” is.  It’s where the “computer” automatically translates any alien species language into the language that your ears are more familiar with.  Now, we all know this is just science fiction, right? What if I told you no, it’s not?

Second Life has its own Universal Translator that was created in partnership with Babel Fish.  The very first friend I made as I struggled to find my newbie way around Second Life, henceforth referred to as SL, was a man from France.  He did not speak a word of English.  I did not speak a lick of French.  And yet, we spoke very clearly to each other, and our words were translated so instantaneously that I hardly even realized it was happening.  SL has helped Gene Rodenberry’s dream come alive! Think of all the new possibilities in learning this opens up.

One thing that was really beneficial about this class was that our daily assignments were posted very clearly in Moodle, and this made it so the class could practically run itself, although a teacher or moderator’s presence is still necessary.

I’d like to take a moment to point out that there are a lot of people with social anxiety.  There are also classroom settings where there can be too many loud distractions for many people, including other people talking, making it difficult for some to learn.  One girl in class pointed out how lucky I was that I got to sit on my computer at home, rather than be in the available classroom where there were many loud boys.

Another great thing about this class is that sometimes when the Mr. Richter would post a short writing assignment, students were instructed to respond to each other’s posts, and they were given points for it.  I compared that experience with previous assignments where he didn’t set that up, and found that the points system created an atmosphere with much more discussion, brainstorming, sharing, and REAL LEARNING going on! Exactly what a knowledge-thirsty student, such as myself, desires.

In conclusion, Lane Community College continues adding more and more technical courses to our programs each term, that are going to launch us into a very bright Science Fiction Future!

Here’s to making it Non-Fiction!

My First Building

A Peer's Castle

The Pond In Our Secret Garden, with Moving Fish!
The Secret Garden (Me and My Group Built)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Inspiring Space Versus Harshness

Okay, so I promised to write about my feelings about our 3D work space.
I have always found it to be a very uncomfortable space to work in, physically.
I've noticed that this art building really, really sucks as far as disability accommodations, and the fact that I have to try my best to come to class early every time to try to secure my own disability chair is really unnerving.  And I can't mention how many times I wished at least one of the doors had a push button to open the doors because I have too many things in my arms, and I'm trying to use my cane to help me walk at the same time.  I just can't imagine how people in wheel chairs feel whom wish to be in the art program.  What a rip off!!!

Anyway, I went off on a tangent a bit, so back to our work space.  The desks really feel awkward.  All of the harsh wood and metal all around us I find to be very uninspiring.  I feel like I'm always trying to balance how the room is making me feel, with trying my best to keep my creative energy focused.  If I can't get physically comfortable in a space, how am I supposed to focus? There are weird metal things that seem to stick out at us, sometimes.  I guess I should think of the other room next to us as another work space I can be in, but my mind has a hard time separating that out.  The tables in the other room seem a lot better, with much more space to work on.

Also, most of the music that is played in our room I do not like, and music is really key for me when I'm trying to find inspiration.  I can only hope that the new art building will be much more accommodating for the new students, as this will be my last term at Lane.  I'm going to the U of O next term to pursue Digital Arts.  I also hope that Andy will play less music, as he doesn't seem to be hip enough to the times,  Sorry for that part.  But your students are young, and they have certain preferences.  Maybe you could suggest that your students bring music in.  Maybe you could settle on one popular radio station.  Either way, I've found it to be a distraction.

And I know that it's been noticed that I was working harder than usual on Tuesday.  This is because I have found it to be a lot easier for me to work at home on my projects than in the space we have.  At the same time, I know I have to bust out this chair in a timely manner.

Fun With Fungus!

Here is another fabulous photo from my Lighting for Photography class!
This was a fun one because I never showed it in class, I just slipped it into my final portfolio as an awesome surprise for Jennifer! I think she's going to love it, I hope!
It's one of my most favorite pieces for the whole term.
I found this little darling just growing among the rosemary and shrubs along the back side of building 18. where they have that beautiful nature spot with a path.  I also took many photos of this area for all the wonderful guiding lines and beautiful foliage it provided.  Just look at how the sunlight hits this!
Isn't life full of miracles?

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Fourth Wall!!! :D

This is one of my younger brother's websites where he features his online comic strip about a professor who discovers how to visit other dimensions.  He's still developing his art skills, but his storyline and comedy are above par! And I am doing 3D work in Maya in certain parts of his comic, and will continue to do so.  This is one of my many ways to keep practicing my craft and add to my portfolio.

Check it out!



And more specifically, here is a direct link to the beginning of my work:

And also, you can become a fan on Facebook!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Beating the Clay

     Believe it or not, I still have a bit of clay beating to do tonight, the night before the project is due.  Dang stuff doesn't like to clump together properly for me.  I always find stubborn cracks, and to make matters worse, some of my friends and family believe I'm literally going OCD when I do it, but they just don't understand the process with the clay.  Even so, I don't have the ability to concentrate on my work AND try to explain the whole entire process to my stupid, drunk friend/family member (ish).  Why don't people get it that there is a certain way things need to be for the creative process to take place, and that a little peace and quiet (excluding certain music) can go a long way for one's concentration.
     Back to the clay beating.  It makes your main arm hurt after a while.  And it can be hard to stop, however, once you're on a roll, and in the back of your mind, you're thinking about time restraints.  But the truth of the matter is, it's important to take breaks.  I discovered I just got to rest my arm, and my left arm just isn't any use.
     And while I was looking around for a proper illustration for beating clay, I discovered this delectable, if not funny, little morsel of a pic for you to enjoy.  And then another one of particular interest to this Organic Object clay assignment we are working on.