Monday, February 14, 2011

Beating the Clay

     Believe it or not, I still have a bit of clay beating to do tonight, the night before the project is due.  Dang stuff doesn't like to clump together properly for me.  I always find stubborn cracks, and to make matters worse, some of my friends and family believe I'm literally going OCD when I do it, but they just don't understand the process with the clay.  Even so, I don't have the ability to concentrate on my work AND try to explain the whole entire process to my stupid, drunk friend/family member (ish).  Why don't people get it that there is a certain way things need to be for the creative process to take place, and that a little peace and quiet (excluding certain music) can go a long way for one's concentration.
     Back to the clay beating.  It makes your main arm hurt after a while.  And it can be hard to stop, however, once you're on a roll, and in the back of your mind, you're thinking about time restraints.  But the truth of the matter is, it's important to take breaks.  I discovered I just got to rest my arm, and my left arm just isn't any use.
     And while I was looking around for a proper illustration for beating clay, I discovered this delectable, if not funny, little morsel of a pic for you to enjoy.  And then another one of particular interest to this Organic Object clay assignment we are working on.

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