Sunday, February 6, 2011

Problems Logging In To This Blog

    Okay, I figured it out.  (My problem with being able to sign in to my blog)  When you have to share the Google blog space with anyone else (which includes blogger, blogspot, and anything else by google), you have to erase a certain amount of your history in order to be able to get in, and I'm pretty sure that's true for each person, each time they have to log in.  I think this is because our computers and our browser applications have become too smart and user friendly, and they store cookies that help instruct our browsers to expect that the last person who signed in to one of the Google services is going to automatically be the next person that signs in, again.  Which obviously, is not true when there is more than one user on a computer, which is rather common.  Gawd, I have to post this on my blog, now!
     Anyway, I took too long to figure this out, and I was forced to erase my entire history.  That kind of sucks, since there are many things that I would have liked for my computer and my web browser to remember.  On the upside, our computers remembering all this stuff is not very secure, so I'm not too upset about the inconvenience.  Just thought I should share because I'm sure other people are going to run into this problem, especially if they don't have their own private computer.

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