Monday, February 14, 2011

Finding New Music and Media

     With the inevitable end of "Lie to Me", and continuous interruptions by my friends and family, I'm a little bit at my wits end on what new long video type media to watch and help pass the time as I weave my sculpture of clay.  Alas, the extra company has lent a hand in making it hard for me to always get my choice of music, which seems to be an important element of my process.
     Not long ago my company and I were enjoying a little of the Valentine's Day festivities by listening to the sappy Love Songs station on Pandora, but it didn't take long for it to drive everyone crazy.  I'm giving Evanescence a shot right now to help start off my sculpture, but I have a feeling before too long, I'm going to end up switching to Loreena McKennitt, a very talented Irish musician.

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