Friday, February 4, 2011

Music and Movies for Inspiration

I tend to listen a lot to music on Pandora (, since the music I choose is more controlled than a typical radio station, and it's constantly flowing.  Granted, there is a 40 hour limit per month, but it's only 99 cents to listen for the rest of the month.

My favorite stations to listen to when I'm creating things are the Enigma station and the Loreena McKennick station.  The later is an Irish Celtic music star, whom apparently is too good to come and play for Fairieworlds, or even acknowledge them.  However, in spite of that, she IS amazing! And lastly, I always listen to the Led Zeppelin station, mainly because Led Zeppelin is the BEST BAND IN THE WORLD!!!

Now, for the shows I've been watching, especially while working on my wire project and my scale project- I've been watching a one-hour series that I believe is produced by Showtime, although I get it through Netflix ( Instant Viewing.  It is called "Lie To Me", and it's about a man who helps out police and detectives, and is practically a detective, himself, by telling them which people are telling lies, and what kind of lies they are.  He just reads their micro facial expressions and body language, and before long, all is revealed.  I think considering the content, this show is really amazing.  I'm not sure how they can get all the actors to make all those specific and very subtle micro facial expressions.  And they are so quick.  They also put a lot of really great twists into the storyline, many of which end up surprising people by the end of the show.  It's always so fresh and well-written, and well produced, that I have no problem watching them one after the other as I spend many hours working on my art projects.

Oh, and btw, I have free trials for Netflix I can give to people.  I also have free trials to World of Warcraft.

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